Tattoos are a very expressive art form. It is permanently injected into a person skin. A tattoo will be with u for the rest of you life the can be very expensive and can give you an idea of the type of person a man/women with tattoos is. In this blog I will given you a couple hints on how to pick a tattoo just for you and what the goods and bads about them.
Okay a tip on how u can find a tattoo just for u would be to get something that describes you. -Things such as hobbies, quotes you base your life on or religion.
-Don't go off just getting just some random tattoo because its just gonna hurt you in the long run.
-U have to understand that tattoos will be with u for the rest of your life, they aren't just gonna fade away.
How are you gonna feel 55 yrs old with a pointless tattoo on your body. I know a lot of people with those same pointless tattoos that don't mean anything and they will regret getting them in a couple years.tattoos is a very expressive art form. It is permanently injected into a person skin. A tattoo will be with u for the rest of you life the can be very expensive and can give you an idea of the type of person a man/women with tattoos is. In this blog I will given you a couple hints on how to pick a tattoo just for you and what the goods and bad,s about them.
now tattoos can be good in only a few occasions not many but a few. So good tattoos would be tattoos that when people see them they have a general idea of what type of person you are. They can also be good be cause they can show that you are interested into a certain form of art.
Reasons why tattoos can be a bad thing is placement and pointless tattoos. Reason why placement is important is because some jobs don't let you have tattoos in certain places like for arms. normally a job will just make u cover them up,but then the tattoo becomes pointless. They become pointless because they are meant to be seen so if your forced to cover them then how will anyone see them. Now those pointless tattoos I was talking about can be bad by later on in life getting them removed. Tattoo removal is very expensive and a lot of people can afford it so they are stack with those pointless tattoos forever.
Safety problems can occur as well. You can get ink poisoning, infections, and also STD’s... there are a couple ways theses sicknesses can be passed around. One of the most causes would be using a tattoo needle that has been used on another person before him. Ways to keep everything safe is to make sure u watch the artist bring out a new needles before he stars and make sure everything is working properly. Oh and make sure it is done professionally or a licenced tattoo artist and not by a friend.
by Ed Rickerd